Ouest France (FR) "A breath of pure air from the north!"
Inmusic (DE) "The jazz scene is enriched by an extraordinary saxophonist!"
All About (US)"..a kind of seamless comfort, transcending mere playing of the music into the realm of truly feeling it".
Jazzwise: (UK): "Her original approach to writing for a small ensembler have produced an early contender for the Critics Picks of 2010".
ABC Radio (Australia)“Cycle of Silence explains why our Norwegian featured artist wins praise for her 'special gift of blending the beautiful and haunting with the unexpected and complex."
Guardian (UK): "Aagre's composing leaves an impression that ripples on long after the disc has stopped spinning".
Jazz Podium (DE) "An album to warm the listeners heart, during the cold winter´s day”.
Kulturzeitschruft (DE) ” Aagre´s compositions are compact, stylish and packed with fascinating details..”
Irish Times: (UK) "Aagre’s sound is gorgeous, pure, rounded, expressive and, like her writing, full of that very Scandinavian blend of melancholy and celebration".
LIRA (SE) “Her tone is warm and down to earth and she has managed to package everything in a very musical way."
UK Vibe (UK) " The maturity of the compositions and the playing come across immediately and there is a storytelling quality to Froy Aagre’s musicianship that belies her young years and sets her apart from other contemporaries".
Jazznytt (NO) "Out in the world in a yearning sopra"This is a collection of extraordinarily beautiful music, which sets Frey Aagre high up among our favorites on the Norwegian jazz scene".
Dagbladet (NO)"Out in the world in a yearning soprano tone".
Aftenposten (NO) "Travelling in melodious harmony."
Bergens Tidene (NO) “Gifted. Music for reflection and enjoyment”.
Fædrelandsvennen (NO) Up among the Greats".
Tønsbergs blad (NO) "Nordic jazz at its best"
Gudbrandsdølen Dagningen (NO)"Cycle of Silence consists of ten compositions that are both engaging and inclusive".
Vårt Land (NO) “"Beatiful Frøy Aagre, beautiful".
Dagsavisen (NO)“"Frøy Aagre´s beautiful winter jazz.
Dagens Næringsliv (NO) “"Frøy Aagre saxophone is like a shiny advertisement for Norway".
Critically acclaimed Norwegian saxophonist Frøy Aagre is known for her powerful compositions and her individual style of characteristically lyrical Nordic jazz. Her distinctive quality lies in blurring the boundaries between the written and the improvised. Aagres themes and phrases are often invocative of Bach in their enticing lyricism, while their execution and delivery echoes Wayne Shorter at his most playful. (Jazzwise, UK)
Frøy Aagre´s new album Cycle of silence has received international praise. Previously she has released two acclaimed albums; Katalyze (2004) and Countryside (2007). The last was named one of the top ten jazz albums in 2007 by the Norwegian newspaper Dagsavisen.
Her group consist of some of the finest young musicians on the Norwegian Jazz Scene (Andreas Ulvo: piano, Audun Ellingsen: bass, Freddy Wike: drums) and they “truly functions as a band, each member playing off one other and, above all, serving the songs."(AllAboutJazz, US).
Her international reputation is growing. Aagre and her band was one of six jazz acts worldwide to be selected to play a showcase at the prestigious arrangement ”MIDEM Talent Jazz” at the international music fair MIDEM in Cannes January 09. In November 08, Aagre did a successful UK tour that included sold-out performances at London Jazz Festival with trumpet legend Kenny Wheeler.
In October 08 Frøy was fronted as one of the main artists at the jazz festival Earshot Jazz (Seattle, USA), besides musicians like Cecil Taylor and Carla Bley.
Frøy Aagre has performed for Excellencies like Governor General of Canada, Queen Sonja of Norway and all the Priministers of the Nordic Countries. She was the first saxophonist ever to perform at Stortingssalen, (The Norwegian Parliament building) in Oslo in October 06.
Aagre studied saxophone at the Birmingham Conservatoire, Middlesex University, composition at the Norwegian Academy of Music in Oslo, and saxophone with Dave Liebman.
She has signed a record deal with the acknowleded German record label ACT Music + Vision. Her first album on ACT, ”Cycle of Silence” will be released in January/February 2010.
Frøy Aagres nye album Cycle of Silence har fått fantastiske anmeldelser i norsk presse og ble omtalt som vakker, fengende og imponerende. Platen er sluppet på det tyske selskapet ACT og roses opp i skyene også i internasjonale medier.: Engelske The Guardian:"Aagre's composing leaves an impression that ripples on long after the disc has stopped spinning". Det ledende britiske jazzmagasinet mener: "Her original approach to writing for a small ensembler have produced an early contender for the Critics Picks of 2010".
Med omfattende lanseringsturne i Europa med konserter blant annet på legendariske Ronnie Scott´s i London og A-Trane i Berlin er Aagre spådd en stor karriere på den internasjonale jazzscenen.
Som komponist skriver Frøy Aagre vakker og særegen melodisk jazz. På "Cycle of Silence" har Aagre utforsket bruk av stillhet og rom i musikken og albumet består av stemningsfylte komposisjoner som er fengende og komplekse på samme tid. Frøy Aagre spiller med en stille klarhet og ren, mettet tone som beveger lytterne sterkt, og sammen med bandet sitt har hun utviklet et tett og dynamisk samspill og en leken spontanitet som forsterker låtene.
Frøy Aagre har gitt ut to album tidligere, "Katalyze" (2004), og "Countryside" (2007). Sistnevnte fikk god omtale internasjonalt og ble av Dagsavisen kåret til en av de ti beste jazzutgivelsene i 2007. Etter at Aagre og hennes faste band spilte en utsolgt konsert sammen med Kenny Wheeler under London Jazzfestival, ble de som kun ett av seks jazzband i verden plukket ut til å delta på Midem Talent Jazz i Cannes.
Jazznytt (NO) Dette er en samling usedvanlig vakker musikk, som setter Frøy Aagre høyt oppe blant avåre favoritter på den hjemlige jazzarenaen".
Dagbladet (NO)"Ut i verden med en lengtende soprantone". Terningkast 5/6
Aftenposten (NO) "Reisende i melodiøs harmoni. Frøy Aagre er en bevisst utøver. Hun vet hva hun vil og får sin musikk til å klinge vakkert og virke spennende." Terningkast 5/6
Bergens Tidene (NO) “Gifted. Music for reflection and enjoyment”. Terningkast 5/6
Fædrelandsvennen (NO) Up among the Greats". Terningkast 5/6
Tønsbergs blad (NO) "Enda et stjerneskudd lyser over Vestfold himmelsen, nordisk jazz på sitt beste". Terningkast 5/6
Gudbrandsdølen Dagningen (NO)"Cycle of Silence består av ti komposisjoner som både er fengende og inkluderende. Det gjør godt å oppleve begavende musikere som uten å kompromisse eller prostituere seg, favner bredt". Terningkast 5/6
Vårt Land (NO) “"Vakkert Frøy Aagre, vakkert".
Dagsavisen (NO)“"Frøy Aagres vakre vinterjazz".
Dagens Næringsliv (NO) “Frøy Aagres saksofon er blankpusset norgesreklame".
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